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ART 3091

Introduction to aesthetic and technical problem solving. Emphasis is placed on typography as a form of visual


Aligned with selected VSU General Education Outcomes & NASAD Standards
Upon successful completion of this course;

  • Students will express themselves clearly, logically and precisely in writing and in speaking, and they will demonstrate competence in reading and listening. (VSU)

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze, to evaluate, and to make inferences from oral, written and visual materials.

  • Students will use computer and information technology when appropriate. They will demonstrate knowledge of computer concepts and terminology.

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to create and develop visual form in response to design problems, including an understanding of principles of visual organization/composition and application.

  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of tools and technology, including their roles in the creation, reproduction, and distribution of visual messages.

  • Students will utilize regular access to software, equipment, and Internet resources related to digital art and computer technology as related to art and design.

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to create and develop visual form in response to communication problems, including an understanding of principles of visual organization/composition, information hierarchy, symbolic representation, typography, aesthetics, and the construction of meaningful images.

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